Campbell's Highlander Road Map

Here is a simple road map for my Highlander universe cohorts in order to navigate my rather scattered Highlander pages. All the links to my pages are included for your viewing enjoyment. I hope that this clears up the confusion. The collage is courtesy of a friend of mine, Big John. Thank you again. Please email any comments or suggestions to Enjoy.

Campbell's HL links

Campbell's Highlander Basics
Bare bones of the HL series characters
Methos Addicts Public
Methos support group of which I am co-founder
Forumland 4-1-1
Web directory of people at Rysher Highlander Forum of which I am the webmistress.
My personal website--has information on me, geology, scotland, and all things celtic.

Methos Addicts Public WebRing
This Methos Addicts Public Web Ring site owned by Campbell.
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